Cargo Muntenia
International is a company operating in the field of customs and logistics.
The values and
principles of our work are: reliability, attention to customer needs, optimal
solutions and rational costs.
We aim to continually
improve the qualification of our staff and constantly applying the newly
acquired knowledge in our daily work.
Our team's experience
originates in logistics, as such, we are aware that to satisfy the customer and
meet complex logistics requirements, experience, operation speed, cost
efficiencies and optimized performance are the basic ingredients which we
furnish to all our clients and partners.
We offer you complex
customs solutions and a complete range of logistics services, through open communication,
technological resources, integrity and a genuine desire to serve you better. We focus specifically
on your business needs.
Our ability to
provide you with realistic solutions to improve your logistics will surely give
you an advantage over your competition.
We will strive to be
more efficient, more cost effective and to achieve higher quality service to
our customers.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Copyright © 2007 - 2013 | Cargo Muntenia International | Blvd. Timisoara, Nr.90, District 6, Bucharest, 061334 - Romania